Our Latest Episodes
Surviving 'Shameguilt' After Abuse with Lois Hollis
Lois Hollis, RN, BSN, REV. is a shame guilt educator, counselor, filmmaker. In this episode, Lois shifts our opinion on the taboo subject, shame and guilt.
Survivor Story - Nicole's Journey of Escaping, Returning, Forgiveness and Surviving
Nicole Railsback - Co-Owner and Operator - Railsback Indoor Sports Expo - The RISE in Southwest Michigan, shares her story of abuse, escape, a return to the person who abused her, ultimately escaping and the damage her return caused... coupled with forgiveness, love and survival.
Author Newton Matos - Deep Down: Delivered From a Dark Past
Newton Matos escaped a truly harrowing past - a drug-addicted mother, gang life, homelessness and a criminal record all before he turned eighteen. His memoir, Deep Down: Delivered From a Dark Past is his personal account of his healing and ultimate victory over an unimaginable past. It's a testament to the power of survival.
Survivor Story - Successful CEO and Podcaster Laura Owens Shares Her Story to Inspire and Encourage
On this episode, Laura Owens, co-host of the #8 ranked All-Time Bestselling Entrepreneurship show on Apple Podcast Nobody Told Me!, joins Dan to share her survivor story.
Survivor Story - Why September Burton Blamed Herself for Her Abuse
Survivor Story - Why September Burton Blamed Herself for Her Abuse
Survivor Story - Tracey Shares Her Story of Surviving Spiritual Abuse
Tracey is a survivor of spiritual abuse. On this episode she shares her story, red flags to look out for and her story on her escape from abuse, her healing and even forgiveness for those who subjected her to this spiritual abuse.
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