Our Latest Episodes
How Friend of the Court Helps Families (and Survivors)
In many states, Friend of the Court has a negative reputation. They're seen as a faceless organization with no compassion. Meet the humans behind the scenes in this episode.
Why a 30-Day Shelter Isn't Realistic for Victims of Abuse
Learn why a 30-day shelter isn't realistic for victims of abuse, and what DASAS does for its clients.
Surviving Abuse During the Holidays - Do the Holidays Make Abuse Worse?
Do the holidays make domestic violence and abuse worse? In this episode, we unpack how the holidays can impact abuse with DASAS therapist Elizabeth Alderson.
How Can I Tell if I Have Abusive Parents
Domestic violence can take many forms, including parents who abuse their children. This can be physical, but also can include mental, emotional, spiritual and other forms of abuse.
Can Domestic Abuse Cause Depression?
This follow up to "How Does Domestic Violence Affect the Brain?" brings DASAS therapist Elizabeth Alderson back to explore whether domestic violence, and all abuse, can be a cause of depression.
How Does Domestic Violence Affect the Brain?
How does domestic violence affect the brain? What kind of damage does abuse have on one of our most important organs? And how can we recover? DASAS therapist and licensed social worker Elizabeth Alderson talks with host Claudia Pahls about the effects of domestic abuse on our brains.
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