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We are here to talk 24/7
What We Do
We work with victims of abuse to find freedom, hope and healing.
We’re in this Together
We continue to monitor ongoing developments and safety information related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). During this difficult time, DASAS is committed to providing essential services to survivors of domestic and sexual violence. To comply with physical distancing and the recommendations of the CDC and the local health department, we have put a list of temporary protocols in place to help minimize everyone’s risk by practicing physical distancing.
The crisis line continues to operate 24/7 800-828-2023
The shelter will continue to serve survivors
All counseling sessions are available via teleservices
Personal Protection Office services are available by phone.
St. Joseph & Cass County County please call 1800-828-2023
Van Buren County Please contact the Domestic Violence Coalition (DVC) at 866-416-8556
Prevention Education and Community Outreach programs are canceled
These protocols will remain in effect until we have further information from the CDC. We appreciate your continued support.
Stories of Hope and Help
Listen to Our Podcast I’m Not In An Abusive Relationship